Harnessing the Magick of Full Moon Water in Folk Witchcraft

Welcome to a mystical journey where the luminous energy of the full moon meets the grounding essence of water. As a mother, tarot reader, and folk witch, I've intertwined the magic of moon water into various facets of my life and practice. Today, I invite you to explore this enchanting elixir's potential, from simple cleansing rituals to complex spell casting.

Understanding Full Moon Water

What is Full Moon Water?

Moon water is essentially water charged by the energy of the moon, particularly during its full phase. This water becomes imbued with the moon's qualities, making it a potent tool in various spiritual practices.

Throughout history, the full moon has been revered across cultures for its mystical powers. In witchcraft, it's believed to amplify psychic abilities and intentions.

Preparation and Safety Tips

To prepare moon water, place a container of water under the full moon. You could use a bowl, mason jar or even just a glass cup. It's crucial to use a clean vessel and pure water. Ensure you're mindful of environmental considerations while collecting moon water.

Astrological Considerations

The astrological sign the full moon falls in can influence the water's properties. For instance, moon water made under a full moon in Gemini might be particularly potent for improving your communication or harmonizing social situations (this would be great moon water to enhance a spell around this holiday season to ensure you have a smooth & harmonious visit with your family).

Easy-to-Do Practices with Full Moon Water

Cleansing and Purification: Sprinkle moon water around your home, on your altar, or over your tarot deck to cleanse and purify the space.

Self-Care Rituals: Add moon water to your bath or skincare routine, imbuing these acts with intention and connecting deeper with the lunar energy.

Plant Nourishment: Water your plants with moon water to enhance growth and create a deeper bond with nature.

Cooking and Brewing: Use moon water in cooking or brewing teas, infusing your meals with lunar energy.

Advanced Magickal Practices

Spell casting with Moon Water: Moon water can be a key ingredient in spells. For example, use it in love spells during a full moon in Libra for added potency.

Moon Water Elixirs: Create elixirs by combining moon water with herbs, aligning the mixture with specific intentions or astrological energies.

Divination Enhancements: Use moon water to cleanse your divination tools, enhancing clarity and psychic connection during readings.

Lunar Ritual Baths: Craft baths using herbs, essential oils, crystals, and moon water, focusing on specific intentions or astrological influences.

Unique Ways to Use Full Moon Water

Moon Water & Motherhood: As a mother of two small children, I am devoted to creating magickal practices that help enhance my journey through the mother archetype. You may like to keep a small bottle of Full Moon water in your bathroom, adding a few drops into your children’s bath, promoting good health, energetic clearing and protection. I like to sprinkle a some onto their on their heads after rinsing their shampoo. You may like to add a few drops of Full Moon water to your tea on a day that you are feeling overwhelmed, tired or grumpy. Full Moon water can give you energy and bring positive feelings when you need a little pick me up on those days you just don’t feel like “momming” anymore.

Moon Water in Art & Creativity: If you are an artist or creative person, Full Moon water can be used to help you fin inspiration for your next piece. Brew yourself a Creativi-TEA, using a few drops (or a full cup) of moon water with your favourite herbal blend. As you drink it keep your journal close, allow yourself to relax and clear the mind. Use moon water in artistic projects, adding a spiritual dimension to your creative expressions.


Moon water is such a versatile and powerful tool in folk witchcraft, adaptable to various practices and intentions. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the craft, I encourage you to explore the myriad ways moon water can enhance your spiritual journey. Share your experiences and join our growing community of empowered and joyful witches.


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