moon magic: how to work with the cycles of the moon
This is a excerpt of my lecture notes for Awaken the Witch 101, a free introductory course available from Baby Witch School.
Learning to live in rhythm with the cycles of nature is an essential part of any witchcraft practice. If you are just starting your journey, a super simple way to begin to practice this, is to become more aware of lunar cycle, what each phase represents and how to work with it.
Lunar Phases and Their Significance
The moon makes a full cycle every 28 days, 13 times per year. Each phase of the cycle mirrors the cycle of growth, fruition, decline, and renewal found in nature. These phases act as reflections of the different energies that you can harness and integrate into your life and into your magical practice. Here is a list of each of the lunar phases, what they represent and how you can work with them.
New Moon
Represents beginnings and renewal. Ideal for setting intentions, starting new projects, or initiating change. The energy is subtle but potent, focusing on personal growth and new opportunities.
- How to work with this energy: Create scared space, Intention-setting rituals, planting seeds (physical or metaphorical), journaling and resting.
Waxing Crescent
The building phase, where energy starts to increase. Focus on attraction, growth, and bringing new things into your life.
- How to work with this energy: Prosperity and abundance spells, attraction spells for (self)love or increasing your resources.
First Quarter
Energy and determination are heightened. It's a time for taking action, overcoming obstacles, and making decisions.
- How to work with this energy: Courage spells, decision-making rituals, road opening spells, rituals for overcoming challenges.
Waxing Gibbous
Fine-tuning and adjustment phase before the full moon. Focus on refining, revising, and attracting the final pieces needed for your goals.
- How to work with this energy: Spells for clarity, adjustment spells to correct the course, manifestation spells to attract missing elements.
Full Moon
The peak of energy, representing celebration, fruition, completion, and illumination. Perfect for honouring how far you’ve come, celebrating small & large victories, listening closely to the needs of your physical body, and charging magical tools.
- How to work with this energy: Full moon rituals for illuminating hidden desires, celebrating yourself, gather in community, charging crystals or tools, healing rituals, burning rituals
Waning Gibbous (Disseminating Moon)
Time for gratitude, sharing, and teaching. Energy turns towards releasing and sharing the abundance and insights gained.
- How to work with this energy: Gratitude rituals, journaling your experience or emotions, blessings, teaching or mentoring.
Last Quarter
Reflecting, releasing, and letting go. Energy is focused on removing what no longer serves you, forgiveness, and preparation for renewal.
- How to work with this energy: Release rituals, binding/banishing spells, cord-cutting rituals, forgiveness spells to let go of past hurts.
Waning Crescent (Balsamic Moon)
Rest, recuperation, and preparation for the new cycle. A time for rest, reflection, and inner work, releasing any final negativity.
- How to work with this energy: Deep sleep meditations, yoga nidra, inner peace spells, cleansing baths to purify before the new cycle, protective spells to safeguard during rest.
Attuning to the moon not only enhances your magical practice but also allows you to achieve a sense of harmony across your physical, emotional, and spiritual sef. Deepening your connection with both the Earth and the cosmos will undoubtedly bring more joy and meaning into your daily life.
Please remember, the insights I offer here are based solely on my own opinions/practices and are intended as starting points for your personal journey into lunar magic. There are no strict guidelines to follow. Embrace what resonates with you, and feel free to reinterpret any aspects that don’t. If you find that Full Moons are your time for rest and release, while Waning Moons signal a period of preparation and action, trust in your intuition to guide your practice in that direction. You possess the power to shape a practice that is uniquely yours. Move forward with curiosity and let your intuition lead the way.